Centar.mk – Вести, бизнис, забава, спорт…

Најатрактивни отворени работни позиции во IT индустријата. Аплицирајте на некои од нив!

Доколку моментално барате работа во IT индустријата, ви ги претставуваме најактуелните огласи низ цела Македонија.

QUANTOX TECHNOLOGY, a company that is always coming up with the best possible professionals for their clients in the areas of programming services is looking for:

OPEN GI is an insurance software specialist company that offers a range of configurable solutions to insurance brokers, underwriting agencies, insurers and MGA’s. Right now, they are looking for a SENIOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPER.


MAJOR LTD, a Canadian outsourcing company that is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs find incredible talent around the world for their businesses is looking for a  JAVASCRIPT FRONTEND DEVELOPER.

Being an IT company, VOX TENEO is able to work across borders and continents on many international projects. Right now, they are looking for a JUNIOR PHP DEVELOPER

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